Available Information

SIDIAP Dynamics

SIDIAP data are updated every six months. For quality and volume reasons, data are generated twice a year, at the end of the year and at the middle of the calendar year. All tables always include:
  • The pseudo-anonymised id of the patient.
  • The corresponding Code of the variable, drug, diagnosis, ...
  • The complete registration date
To these data, to all the dimensions, it is also possible to add data on the place where the information is recorded (type of professional, unit doing the registration, ...), ensuring confidentiality and encrypting the necessary sensitive data.

All Codes include the Description, and in the case of categorical variables, their meaning. These data are specified and detailed in the catalogue delivered with the projects.
In addition, all the tables incorporate a grouper (AGR) that relates different codes under a single hashtag, defined by the research team or using the groupings already existing in the SIDIAP that were used in previous research projects.

The SIDIAP data originate from, among other sources, the shared Electronic Health Record (EHR).
The data reflected here are currently in the circuit and already worked on, but the fact that they are not here does not mean that they cannot be included in the near future or when there is a need by means of a request.


General patient information

As general patient data, the available information can be grouped as follows:

  • Population
  • Geosanitary variables
  • Complexity Variables
  • AMG Complexity
  • Health Card
Personal characteristics of the population:
Variable Description
Date of birth Date without day for confidentiality reasons
Gender Patient’s gender
Date of entry Date of entry into the SIDIAP cohort
Status Patient status on date of last data update (Active, Transferred or Deceased)
Date of departure Date of departure of the SIDIAP cohort in case of death or transfer
Nationality Patient’s nationality grouping
Geosanitary variables
Data on the health service to which the patient is assigned. The following data can be provided quickly and without special assessment of re-identification risks:

Variable Description
UP Last encrypted PU (Productive Unit) assigned to the patient
BHA Last BHA (Basic Health Area) of the patient's residence, encrypted.
PCD PCD (Primary Care District) of the last assigned PU, encrypted
Scope Last health scope of patient assignment. Not encrypted
Professional Encrypted identifier of the last professional to whom the patient has been assigned.
Province Province of the patient. Not encrypted

In addition, the census section is available, which can be worked on aggregately, never at an individual level.
Complexity variables
They include all the variables that indicate particularly complex circumstances in health care.

Variable Description
CRG Complexity indicator Clinical Risk Groups
Institutionalized Indicates whether the patient is institutionalized at the time of the last data update
Status Frailty status of the patient (PCC, MACA)
Status date Date on which the state of frailty begins
MAG complexity
Morbidity Adjusted Groups (GMA) at the individual level:
Variable Description
Code MAG tag, 3 digits
Date MAG calculation date
Value MAG complexity index value
Number of Chronic Pathologies Number of active chronic pathologies of the patient on the calculation date
Health card
Variables related to the type of health coverage of the patient.
Variable Description
Type card heath Type of patient health card on the date of the SIDIAP cut-off (e.g.: Pensioner)
Guarantee group Guarantee group of the patient's health card (e.g. General CatSalut Guarantee)
All variables available in eCAP can be included in the SIDIAP, as long as they meet minimum quality standards.
For each variable included, an analysis is carried out to try to ensure that it is widely distributed territorially and over time, and all the available synonymous Codes are homogenised under a single Code.
The existing variables that can be extended according to needs can be classified as follows:
  • Clinical Variables
  • Scales
  • Actions
  • Smoking
Clinical variables
Variables collected at the consultation by the professionals.
The variables included so far have the following structure:

Variable Description
Code SIDIAP code of the variable
Date Date of registration of the variable
Value Value of the variable on the date of registration
Questionnaires and assessments made during the course of the clinical history. Scales include:
  • Cognitive scales (e.g. LOBO, Mine-Mental, Pfeifer).
  • Alcohol scales (e.g. AUDIT, CAGE, CRAFFT, MALTA)
  • Risk assessment scales (e.g. BARBER, GIJON, NORTON)
  • Mental health scales (e.g. GADS, YESAVAGE)
  • Smoking scales (e.g.: FAGESTROM, RICHMOND)
  • Pain scales (e.g.: EVA)
  • Care assessment scales
  • Functional scales
  • Other scales
From the available questionnaires, ratings can be provided for each test question and its final result. The variables are structured as follows:
Variable Description
Code This indicates the test question or if it is the final result.
Date Date on which the valuation was carried out
Value Value of the question or test on the given Date.
Actions taken during the consultations. The actions do not have an outcome, they constitute health advice or recommendations that take place during the visits, e.g. recommendations to resume healthy habits.

For each action, the following is available:
Variable Description
Code SIDIAP code of the action
Date Date on which the recommendation took place
Smoking history in periods at individual level.

For each smoking status, the following information is available:
Variable Description
Start date Start date of the period
End date End date of the period
Value Patient’s smoking situation between Start date and End date.
Socio-economic indicators
As socio-economic variables included so far, we can provide:
Variable Description
Medea Quintile MEDEA index of the census situation where the patient lives
Rurality Rurality of the town where the patient lives, according to 2001 census sections
Medea Centre Quintile MEDEA index of the centre to which the patient has been assigned
Pharmaceutical contribution Indicator of percentage of individual pharmaceutical contribution
Maximum pharmaceutical contribution Maximum individual monthly pharmaceutical contribution
ISL Pharmacy individual socioeconomic level, salary range
Health problems
We include two domains in this category:
  • Diagnoses
  • Charlson Comorbidity Index

These are the pathology data recorded by the professionals through the shared clinical history.
These records are coded using the CIM10-MC classification. CIM10-MC.
SIDIAP groups the different CIM10-MC codes under a single hashtag (e.g. ASMA) to facilitate their subsequent management.

The variables available in terms of diagnoses, in addition to the grouping of codes, are as follows:

Variable Description
Code Code CIM10-MC code of the health problem
Date of discharge Start date of the health problem
Date of deregistration End date of the health problem
UP type Type of Productive Unit (PU) that does the registration (AP, LP, ACUT, AH, ...)

Charlson Comorbidity Index
In addition, the Charlson Comorbidity Index (CCI), which predicts mortality in one year, at an individual level and at a specific point in time (e.g. an index date), is also available:

Variable Description
Start date Start date of the period
End date End date of the period
CCI CCI punctuation during the period between the Start data and the End date

Laboratory and Serology
Since 2006, the results of all laboratory analyses requested from the ICS EAPs have been available.

This information is extracted directly from the laboratory databases. Also included and marked are the analyses generated from the manual recording that can be made by the professionals of the EAPs.

The data encompass all structured laboratory tests from the databases generated by each laboratory, which are automatically integrated into the EHR:
  • Urine biochemistry
  • Blood biochemistry
  • Exudate biochemistry
  • Stool biochemistry
  • Biochemistry other products
  • Cultures
  • Blood drugs
  • Haematology
  • Blood hormones
  • Humoral immunology
  • Tumour markers in blood
  • Serum microbiology
  • Other microbiological tests
For each determination, the following are available:
Variable Description
Code This indicates the test question or if it is the final result
Date Date of analysis performance
Value Result of the variable in the analysis date
Units Units of the result
Data of all vaccinations administered at the ICS.
The SIDIAP groups the different antigens of the same vaccine under a single grouping.
Vaccinations include, among many others:
  • DT
  • DTP
  • Influenza
  • Haemophilus
  • Hepatitis B
  • HPV
  • Meningitis C
  • Pneumococcus
  • Poliomyelitis
  • Tetanus
  • Triple Virus
  • Measles
  • COVID-19
For each vaccine per patient, in addition to the SIDIAP grouping of antigens, these fields are available:
Variable Description
Antigen Code of the antigen, ICS Codification
Date Date of administration
Dosage Dosage administered

Variables linked to available national administrative codes can also be donated, as is the case with the pharmaceutical for COVID-19 vaccines.
For drugs, SIDIAP has two sources:
  • Invoiced Drugs
  • Prescribed Drugs
• Both sources are coded with ATC-7, and a SIDIAP grouper (agr) is added to tag the necessary ATCs and facilitate further handling.
SIDIAP provides information and variables related to national codes of use for calculating drug adherence and persistence.
Drugs invoiced
Since 2006, all pharmaceutical products financed by the National Health System and withdrawn from pharmacies, with a prescription from the national health system, have been available. This information comes from the data provided by pharmacies to CatSalut.
The dispensation variables available are:
Variable Description
Code ATC7 of the drug
Date Month of the dispensation
Packages Packages removed during the month
Drug dose Product dose recommended for one intake according to the WHO
Product dose Dose included in a unit
Units Units included in a container
NDDD Number of Defined Daily Doses from this withdrawal
Full amount Cost of the drug for the Health Department
Liquid amount Cost of the drug for the patient
Prescribed drugs
Prescribed drugs include all prescriptions made by professionals using eCAP.
As prescription data, SIDIAP can provide:
Variable Description
Code ATC7 of the drug
Start date Start date of the prescription
End date End date of the prescription
Posology Posology specified in the prescription, indicating the units for each intake
Frequency Frequency of intake specified by the professional, in hours
Drug dose Recommended product dose for one intake according to the WHO
Product dose Dose included in a unit
Units Units included in a package
Type of PU Type of PU (Productive Unit) of the prescription
Visits per patient carried out by the different Primary Care professionals, including family medicine, nursing, paediatrics, dentists, social workers, midwives, gynaecologists/ obstetricians. For each visit per patient, the following information is available:
Variable Description
Code Code of the service of the visit
Date Date of the visit
Type of PU Productive Unit (PU) of the visit
eConsultation This indicates whether the visit was an eConsultation or not
On-site This identifies on-site visits
Home This identifies if the visit took place at the patient’s home
PU Identifier of the PU of the visit, encrypted
Complementary examinations
Requests for imaging tests and other diagnostic procedures. These are tests for which the results are not yet available in a structured manner.
  • Radiology, simple and contrast
  • Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging (NMR)
  • Axial computerised tomography (CAT)
  • Cardiovascular diagnostic techniques
  • Digestive diagnostic techniques
  • Respiratory diagnostic techniques
Of these requests, the following are available:
Variable Description
Code Code internal code of test requested
Date Date of request
Second- and third-level interconsultations.
Requests for consultations with other specialists by PC professionals.
The data for each request includes:
Variable Description
Code Service to which referral is made, Internal codification
Date Date of the request
Reason Reason for referral, CIM10-MC codification
Care for Women
Data from the Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Units (ASSIR) of the ICS.
To date, the following data are available:
  • Pregnancies
  • ASSIR variables
  • Obstetric ultrasound scans
This includes all the information on pregnancies monitored and followed up by ICS professionals. Pregnancy data include:
Variable Description
Date Date of beginning of pregnancy
DLM Date of last menstruation
Date of de-registration Date of closure of pregnancy in the system
End date End date of pregnancy
Circumstance Circumstance of end of pregnancy (e.g. delivery)
RisK Risk of the pregnancy
Duration Duration of pregnancy in weeks
TPAL Mother’s history of pregnancies
ASSIR variables
Variables collected during visits to ASSIR professionals.
They include variables that can be associated with pregnancies, linked to an encrypted Code.
Variable Description
Code Internal code of the variable
Date Date of registration of the variable
Value Value that the variable takes on the Date given
Obstetric Ultrasounds
Data from ultrasound scans performed at ICS identified by trimester of pregnancy.
The variables are specific to each trimester (e.g.: type of scan, chorion, pulse rate, number of embryos/foetuses, ...).
Health and childhood
Variables generated by paediatrics professionals included in the ICS (Infància amb Salut).
The variables are divided into different tables to facilitate their use, dividing them as follows:
  • New-borns
  • Development
  • Screening
  • Feeding
  • Habits
  • School and Health

For each child and variable, the available data are:
Variable Description
Code Internal code of the variable, descriptions in proportion with the catalogues
Date Date of registration of the variable
Value Value that the variable takes on
Specific data on the diabetic population controlled by ICS professionals.
To date, the following are available:
  • Diabetic record
  • Test strips
Diabetic card
This includes the data recorded in the diabetic card:
Variable Description
Date of registration Date of registration of diabetic ID card
Injections/day Number of injections per day, with or without a pen
Controls recommended Recommended blood and urine controls
Recommended period Every how many days is it recommendable to control the patient’s blood and urine
Controls made Controls made on blood and urine
Period Every how many days is the patient’s blood and urine controlled
Needles To indicate whether the patient needs needles or nor
Test strips
Record of material delivered to the diabetic:
Variable Description
Date Date of delivery
Packages Packages delivered
Sick leave from work
Incapacity for work discharged to Primary Care. Of these sick leaves, the following can be provided:
Variable Description
Code CIM10-MC code of the health problem causing sick leave
Date of sick leave Date of first day of sick leave
Date of discharge Date de finalisation of sick leave

Hospital Data

Thanks to the PADRIS programme, SIDIAP has the following hospital data readily available to research teams:


    Minimum Basic Data Set on Hospital Discharges.
    The CMBD-AH collects all hospital discharges that have taken place in Catalan hospitals since 2006.
    This register includes diagnoses and hospital procedures.

    The CMBD-AH variables are:
    Variable Description
    Code Code of diagnosis or procedure
    Data Data d'ingrés
    Data alte Date of hospitalisation
    Position Position of the diagnosis or the procedure during hospitalisation
    CH Circumstance of hospitalisation
    CD Circumstance of discharge
    UCI date Date of first hospitalisation at the UCI
    UCI days Total days of hospitalisation at the UCI
  • MHDA

    Hospital Outpatient Dispensing Medication.
    It includes the following fields:
    Variable Description
    Code Code ATC7 code if available
    Date Full date of the dispensation.
    Concept Field always informed, indicating treatment type dispensed
    Amount Cost of the drug


Given the COVID-19 health emergency, the dimensions have been included in the SIDIAP:
  • COVID-Tests

    COVID-19 screening tests carried out in the Catalan health system. It does not include tests performed in private laboratories. The available variables are:
    Variable Description
    Type Test type: PCR, antigens, population screenings, ...
    Date Date of performance of the test
    Result Result of the test

  • COVID-Monitoring Form

    COVID-19 follow-up form for PC professionals.
    The variables that are collected, among many others, are:
    • Symptomatology (e.g.: alteration of taste, cyanosis, diarrhoea, ...)
    • The presence or absence of previous diseases
    • O2 saturation
    • Temperature
    • Heart rate
    • Isolation conditions
    • Close monitoring of the patient
SIDIAP, 2022